Wednesday, May 21, 2014

An AWESOME Ancient Day...

     We had a fun Ancient Day! It has been a month of hard, hard work! Non- stop work every morning, but we did it! The class was divided into four separate groups, the Mayans, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. 

      Each person in the group had a part to do. We even dressed up in costumes and tried food that the ancient people ate during their times. ( The olives were not a hit!- see the pics…SOUR!)

     We loved making the iMovies for each group and eating the food! And making our costume was really fun!

     Here are some pictures to enjoy! We invited our parents and our grade 1 buddies to join us! We showed them all our hard work!

*****SPECIAL NOTE*****

I just want to say how proud I am of all the students for their hard work and team effort with their projects! I was so impressed with their costumes, videos, and how they came together as a group! The first time I tried something like this was with a Grade 8 class, not 8 and 9 year all blew me away with your ideas and creativity! You did a wonderful job presenting to our Buddies! Special thanks to the parents, for all their help behind the scenes with costumes, food, etc..and to those who came and helped to day! The Ancient Civilizations fair was a great success! 
                                                                                               Mme Gaunce :) 

The Greeks

We even made clay masks for each group! Here is a picture of them in the kiln being fired. Our next step is to paint them!

EWWW to Olives!...

We enjoyed grape juice, chocolate, apples with honey, and even greek yogurt with berries!

The Egyptians

We wrote our names in hieroglyphics, see if you can find yours! 

The Mayans

Helpers & Visitors :)

The Romans

Even the Grade 1's braved the olives...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Full Speed Ahead!...

     These past few weeks we have been busy with fun activities…. like multiplication !!!In multiplication we been learning different ways to show our work. We have been showing are work by putting them into groups and repeated addition and other ways!

     At parent teacher conferences we showed our parents what we have been doing lately. I think the best part for the kids and parents was the "Build a Structure' Challenge!

     In Art, we got to work with our buddies on an Easter project, and we also had an egg hunt! We made spring vases from our faces! make sure to take a close look ;)

    Our annual Science Fair was a success and Alexis even got to go to the Divisional Science fair!

     In Science, we are learning about plants and we panted our own beans! But we are still waiting for them to grow!

     This month, we even surprised Madame with a gift to go towards our Social! It turned into a popsicle party!

   No matter the month, it seems to be busy! We are rolling right along, and the end of the year is getting closer! We need to remember to play nice, inside and out on the playground and be respectful, responsible students! Stayed tuned for more fun things from Grade 3 Gaunce :)

Pssst---- we are working on an Ancient Civilizations Fair that is sure to be a blast ;)