Thursday, November 17, 2016

A busy start to November...

We have been doing lots of activities in November! We had a guest named Flat Stanley, who visited us from New Brunswick and we showed him around Winnipeg and now he is on his way back home with a special letter from us!

Mme Buchanan came and taught us about sounds and syllables to help us break down our 
French words.

With our Grade 1 Buddies, we made watercolour poppies to help decorate the Remembrance Day Ceremony.  

In Math, we have been playing some games to help us with our addition facts. It was a really fun way to learn!

Baby Hana learned lots of new things and we learned what a milestone is. She likes being on her belly now. Look at that big smile! :)

We presented our Science Projects to the class. We had so much fun seeing each one and playing with them. It was neat to see how each person did theirs.

We also started learning about increasing patterns in Math. We really like playing with the pattern blocks, a little too much maybe!

We are also working on a special project that we can't tell you about just yet. You will have to wait until Conferences to see what it is!


What is the farthest place you have ever traveled? What is the furthest place your parents have travelled! Help us by answering and we will out them on a map!

Remember, be kind! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fun in October...

In October we had TIA- The Integrated Arts. Mme Becky came and taught us all about dance and movement. She also taught us about magnets and forces that attract and repel. It was a lot of fun to make up the dance and playing shoe game!

Can you guess what emotion we are trying to convey?? Look below, how about us?..

We finished out Swimming lessons on Monday. We learned things like how to do the back crawl, side glide, to help someone when they are in trouble, and the elementary backstroke! We also relaxed in the hot tub!

We met our Roots of Empathy baby. Her name is Hana. She is really cute and we made predictions and on our next visit we will see if she can do them. Right now, she likes to lay down, when she is with her mom, and she doesn't like the bottle just yet!

We worked on our Forces booklet and practiced PUSH and PULL!

An artist hard at work on his Haunted House! You should see how spooky they turned out!

We learned about Venn Diagrams, and also that the majority of us and our families like SWEET stuff! 

We also set some reading goals this month and are working towards them!

This year we decided to melt crayons on our pumpkin to decorate it! We used a heat gun, and watch the wax melt!

 We also shared our Haunted House stories and tried to sell the spookiest house on the street!

On Halloween we has some Math fun with smarties and worked together as a team to come up with the answers. Then we ate them of course! 

There was some really good costumes this year! We also had fun treats and candy apple bar at the party!

Happy Halloween from Salle 23!

We hope everyone had a great October. Here is the questions:
Students: What are you most looking forward to in November??
Parents: What is your favourite Halloween memory and why? It can be from when you were a child or with your own child. 
