Friday, May 13, 2016


What a month it has been! We worked so hard the last month on our Multicultural Projects and the students were so excited to present all that they had done! We learned so many new things about another country and another way of life, and even compared it to how we live here in Canada. We all had fun making some recipes this week, and everyone tried them! 
Some liked them more than others! ;)

We hope you enjoyed all the different projects and countries. And special thanks to all who made donations, big and small, to Charity: Water! Every drop counts! It was a huge success!! We raised over $800 and it will make difference in the lives of those that need it! 

We had fun today counting and sorting all the money and figuring out how much we had made altogether. Take a look at the photos below from the night and a video of our performance!

Teacher Note: I am so very proud of each and every one of you for all the effort you put forth, your respect and understanding of a different culture, and your creativity!

You guys are amazing! :)
Mme Janes

*** Please leave a comment below, students and parents, and let me know what your favourite part about the night was!***

Monday, May 2, 2016

What we've been up to...

We  did opinion writing at the first of the month and presented to the class. We were trying to set Ruby free- she was a character in our book. 
Now that we know how to change someone's mind, can I have.... :)

We are becoming regular Pablo Picasso's...but you will have to wait until Multicultural Night to see our masterpieces! ...cliffhanger...

Mme Page finished on Friday with us, and we sure are going to miss her! She taught us so many fun games for Math and we looked forward to her visits each week. We got to us these neat things called Osmo, and worked on creating figures with different shapes.

We also started Multiplication last week, and practiced making arrays- ask me about it!

Our multicultural night is fast approaching and we have been hard at work creating our projects and researching are ideas. We also learned how a lot of people do not have clean water in Kenya, so we decided we are going to help! Here are all the ways we use water just in the run of the day.

We can't wait to share with you all next Thursday! It is coming quickly!

Remember to leave me a note below :)