This week we made play dough! We had so much fun! We made different kinds of colours using Kool- Aid. It smelt MARVELLOUS!!! After we made it we wrote the recipe in our writing journals.
Here are the 4 bags we made!
We also participated int eh Terry Fox Walk/ Run. We walk or run because so we can remember Terry and help to keep raising money for cancer research.
We all mixed in the colour!
We watch the opening ceremonies of the Human Rights Museum last Friday! It was cool!
Twins! Hoot Hoot!
This year so far has been going fantastic!
*** written as a group by 3/4 Janes***
Students: What do you want to learn next? What is an activity you would like to do? Remember to answer in full complete sentences and proper punctuation! Be nice to those capital letters ;) Write your answer in the comment section below!